Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Back to Africa Ticket: American Nazi Party Novelty Hand-out. 1965 by George Lincoln Rockwell

The "Coon-ard Lines Boat Ticket to Africa" is one of the most well-known American Nazi Party fliers, probably because they were sold in units of fifty or more, the idea being to "give one to your favorite nigger." From the stamp on the front, we can see this was distributed by the ANP's Western Division in California. Written and illustrated by George Lincoln Rockwell, who read the ticket's entirety during his interview with Playboy. Note the presence of "1972," the year Rockwell intended to seize power.

Coon-ard Lines, ANP, George Lincoln Rockwell

Side Detail


Thursday, July 18, 2019

"Jew Communist Traitor's Surrender Pass" American Nazi Party Leaflet, circa 1960's.

Probably one of the more offensive pieces of literature from the American Nazi Party, the "Jew Communist Traitor's Surrender Pass," a sort of VIP ticket to the gas chamber. It was to be redeemed in 1972, the predicted year for Rockwell's seizure of power.


George Lincoln Rockwell

George Lincoln Rockwell