Friday, May 29, 2020

The Death of George Lincoln Rockwell: Murder/Assassination Crime Scene Press Photos, August 25, 1967

George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated under suspicious circumstances outside his local laundromat August 25, 1967. These photos show the corpse of Rockwell, as well as the bullet holes in his windshield. Two shots were fired at Rockwell from the laundromat rooftop, the second of which struck near his heart, resulting in his death.

(from an earlier postAfter George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated on August 25th, 1967, it took authorities a mere forty-five minutes to apprehend John Patler (originally Patsalos, but the young Greek-American wanted his name to bear a greater resemblance to Hitler) for the killing.

Patler had recently been ejected from the American Nazi Party after a long and strenuous relationship with both Rockwell and other party members. He would later be convicted for the killing on largely circumstantial evidence, given the minimum sentence and serving fewer than twenty years in prison. At the time of this writing, he is alive and a free man, again going by Patsalos. He maintains he did not slay Rockwell. Most accept his guilt, although there are some who agree with Patler. Amongst others sensing conspiracy, a handful of ex-ANP members believe Rockwell's killing was an inside job led by his second-in-command Matt Koehl, to martyr him while seizing control of the party. One may speculate. Besides the killer, Rockwell was the shooting's only eyewitness.